Thursday, 18 October 2012


As mentioned at the post  some of the actions to come yet are suggested, today I am actually going to Teufelsberg- which is an old spy base and a mountain of rubble from ww2 and east Berlin burying a nazi training school to wash and plant a tree with a group of friends. I am also going to lie in the street in my sleeping bag at Alexanderplatz civic area as if a street performer/busker/homeless dreamer/occupy protester with a small box asking for people's 'dreams' to be inserted into the box with paper and a pen tied to the box. Above is me at the Brandenburg gate doing a yoga pose, but actually as a tourist, something inextricably bound to money and culture as an example of something I will do- yoga poses on the matt infront of the Reichstag tourist line. Below is a time I attempted to do Tarot readings again in the tourisic Mauer park during summer to no avail and also did about 10 readings for friends and strangers at Tempelhof (left) at the guerilla organic gardens, which is something I will be doing- on the trains and in the street. These things are suggestions of 'private' actions regarding the female erotic/body in 'public' spaces- inherently a vulnerable action to take. 

Sleeping, dreaming, washing, tarot, yoga, meditation, in public, as an artist, as a tourist, a woman, a performer, busker, healer, in front of banks, shopping malls, on trains, at monumental tourist sites, these things are tied to money systems and identities which resist objectified and cliched notions of the female erotic body in relation to money systems. As outlined in my project, they become psychomagic actions - initiated by my communities/friends/myself and remove or question the exchange of money instead replaced with the idea of giving and being for its own sake. Reclaiming this. Not wanting anything, not buying into a relationship which is bound up in the consumerism of the female erotic body via money systems. Present and visible in private/public actions. In private, documented, publicly interactive. Also documented. I am about to really begin having prepared a lot... 

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